Monday, March 21, 2011

Hooded Mergansers

I arrived at the park just after 6pm on Monday after work. Though slightly overcast it was relatively warm and I was able to wear a few layers of sweatshirts instead of my heavy winter jacket. There is barely any snow left even anywhere so I started off on the woodchip trail. Just barely in, I noticed a bunch of odd looking ducks near where the creek opens up into the lake basin. With my binoculars I could tell right away they were Hooded Mergansers! There was a whole bunch of them -mostly males and one or two females. I did see just one female last fall but this is the first time I've ever seen males and it was frustrating that I could not get closer. Later while passing along the baseball fields on the west side I spotted a Bald Eagle perched high up in the trees. I tried getting closer to him but could not find a decent view until I was almost underneath him. There were a few crows bothering him but they eventually took off. Upon coming to the bridge over the creek on the north side, there were a lot of ducks to be seen. After peering further downstream I could see even more Hooded Mergansers so I decided to hike along the bank to see if I could get closer. All the tall swamp grass was completely flattened out so it was actually an easy and quiet walk. Even so, I scared up a small group of 4 deer who wondered what I was up to. I kept going, staying behind the creek bank until I figured I was far enough downstream. Then near the large cottonwood tree, I popped up over the bank and found myself very close to a bunch of Hooded Mergansers. They of course got spooked and started flying off in small groups. As close as I was I only managed a few blurry pictures but at least I did get to see them at closer range. They have such distinctive patterns and one or two of them had their white-patched "hood" raised all the way up making their head look gigantic.

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