Sunday, February 20, 2011

Startin' to snow again

Once again, all the talk has been about how much snow we're supposed to get in the next couple of days. And as usual, the predictions just keep increasing. The last one I heard before arriving at the park today was 13 inches! The paved trails were still clear and dry but the overcast sky certainly did look like change is on the way. On the west side there were lots of Cardinals bouncing around in the trees. I love how bright red they are -especially on days like today- so I'm constantly trying for a better photo of one. They were pretty active today so the best photo I got was this one from the back. When I got to the north side, the snow started falling lightly but gradually picked up as I went on. The park was quiet all around until I heard a familiar sound of a Pileated Woodpecker on the north east side. The more times I hear them, the more I think of a Chicken or Rooster or something. Maybe I'm just imagining that. I finally did spot her, quite far away and high up in a dead tree. It's hard to tell from this far but I'd say it's a female due to the black "moustache." Since my first sighting of a Northern Shrike, I think I've actually spotted them a couple more times. It's hard to say for sure because again, I'm seeing them at great distances. However, from this, I may have learned a characteristic to help clue me in. In almost all my possible Shrike sightings, I usually spot them perched at the very tip-top, highest possible point of the tree -even if that's on the tiniest twig. I would imagine this helps their vantage point for hunting. So when I saw a bird in this position again today, I snapped a couple of pics before he flew off. Again it's hard to tell from such a distance but he sure looks similar to my photo from the 5th of February!

1 comment:

  1. Hi again
    Yes it looks like a northern shrike alright. I have a few shots of them myself and your description of where they land agrees with my experience.
    Good job.
