Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Large Hawk and Eleven Deer

I used my day off from work this Tuesday to get in an extra park visit this week. There was a fresh new 8" of snow on the ground from Sunday & Monday and the temps had also dropped again. There was also evidence of some strong winds as a large dead tree had snapped off and crushed part of the chain link fence surrounding the baseball fields. The first thing I noticed though was a large Hawk perched high above the open water on the south west corner. He seemed to be watching the Mallards below him but I'm not sure if it was out of hunger or what. He was certainly large enough to take one out if he wanted. He had to be near 2 feet tall which is one the main reasons I think it's a Red-tailed Hawk. I'm a bit unsure so if you disagree please let me know. After crossing the bridge on the north side I spotted four Deer way off in the distance near some townhomes. They were busy searching for food and were mostly spread out until three of them came closer together. This would be the first group of many more that I'd spot as I made my way around. On the north side I spotted two more, a Doe and a Buck -STILL holding on to a nice set of eight points. He stayed real still back behind some thick brush as the Doe went about her business. Upon glancing over my shoulder, there were five more on the other side of the trail! I turned by interest to this group who upon seeing me gathered momentum and quickly darted across the trail away from me. I tried to get some pics of them in mid-air jumping over the high snowbanks but they were already too far away.

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