Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunset Snowshoeing

It was nearly 4 o'clock by the time I arrived at the park this Saturday. It was intentional though as I was hoping to spot another Coyote near dusk. Once again I snowshoed across the lake, meandering around through the middle and stopping near the spot of my close Coyote encounter last weekend. After waiting a bit without seeing anything I traveled further north and crossed the creek near the footbridge. I found myself in a few places I'd never ventured before and it was exciting to see a new perspective. I wandered to the east of these large trees and noticed a big Owl up in trees to my right. As I walked closer for a better photo, I noticed a second Owl much closer to me. This one was facing more into the sun and had better light on him so I inched closer and closer as quietly as I could on my loud snowshoes. I watched him for a while and he seemed perfectly content in the sun, periodically closing his large yellow eyes. I started to head back as the sun was really getting low now and possibly increasing my chances of seeing a Coyote. On the way back I paused to snap this picture as the winter sun was creating some interesting color and light against the sky and snow covered ground. Eventually I made it back "my spot" where I actually sat and waited to see a Coyote until I got so cold I could barely move. It was getting seriously dark now -too dark for my camera to catch a decent picture anyway. So I headed back to the parking lot, toes too numb to feel with a bright winter moon rising above me. I think I want to come back again sometime this winter and set out under a full moon. I don't think I'd get any pictures but it would definitely be bright enough to see where you're going.

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