Monday, January 17, 2011

Dreary Day in January

I had an extra day off from work today this Monday and got in a visit around 2:00 pm. It was already gloomy and overcast but with temps nearing 28ยบ there was almost a "haziness" to the air today. After crossing the foot bridge on the north side, I spotted some movement in the woods to my left and saw three deer headed the opposite way. I turned around to get ahead of them, then stopped and knelt down on the trail where I figured they'd come out. Indeed a trio of Doe and two fawns popped out of the woods right in front of me. Someone has been leaving out apples near the trail this whole winter and the Doe stopped to gobble one up quickly. I watched one of the fawns cautiously sniff one, then jump back suddenly as if it smelled something completely out of the norm. Neither of the fawns ate the remaining apples and continued following mom toward the bridge. I couldn't believe it but I watched all 3 cross right over the bridge! I've seen tracks over the bridge before but this was the first time I've actually seen Deer walk right over it. Later I spotted a Bald Eagle and then another Great Horned Owl. Both were very far away and I did not get any worthwhile pictures for this post. Later on, I finally noticed some other birds near the east side including Nuthatches, Starlings, Robins and about 10 Cardinals. The male Cardinals were so bright against the overcast sky but this is the best photo I got. As often as I see Cardinals, I'm still striving for a better photo.

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