Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Deer in the same spot

Though this blog is nearing it's one year anniversary, I've actually been visiting Palmer Lake somewhat regularly for closer to three years now. In that time I've noticed that I'll rarely see deer in the same spot twice. If indeed I do spot them in the same area twice, I'll never see them there a third time. Maybe that has more to do with how often I visit, but it does seem consistent. Tonight I again saw a couple deer foraging underneath the Buckthorn bushes on the west side. This is the same place where a group of eight were feeding on April 7th. I think there must be something growing here that is attracting them. My friend and I ended up spotting seven or eight deer tonight especially near sunset. This is obviously the best time to see deer but the worst time to photograph them. Here's the only one that turned out later this evening.

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