Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weekday evening walk

Now that daylight savings time is back, it's actually light enough to sneak in a walk after work again. Temps are still way above normal and it's hard to find any trace of snow left anywhere. Even the woodchip trails are completely soft and quiet again, showing remnants of last summer like this faded snail shell. Somewhere on the south side I noticed this alien-seed-pod laying among some flattened cattails -although I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with cattails. After circling back to the south side where the creek drains out of the basin, I could hear lots of Canadian Geese honking loudly. Multiple pairs were standing on the frozen water and I sat down to watch them for a while. I could only guess that possibly they were mating because one of each couple were honking loudly while swinging their necks wildly back and forth. It was like they were trying to throw their sound as far as they could in every direction.

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