Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sweet Start to September!

Well for once the weather prediction was right. Last night we finally got some much needed rain and then the temperature dropped considerably. When I left the house for the park this morning at 8:45 am it was 62 degrees, which is just perfect if you ask me. After spotting a migrant Warbler yesterday, I was hoping that today –coupled with the sharp change in weather– might bring more good luck. Sure enough it did and I had a repeat of yesterday by spotting yet another new Warbler in the park! This time was along the wood chip trail heading towards the railroad ties overlooking the water on the south side. There, on the left side of the trail is an area where many trees fell during a summer storm. It seems to be a good place to watch for birds as all the dead branches make great perches. Just as the sun was coming out, I noticed a handful of little yellow birds and got my camera on the first one I could. I actually didn't know at the time but what I was seeing was a Blue-winged Warbler! Though I didn't catch most of his blue-grey colored wing, the tell tale marking is the black stripe right across the eye. I could hardly believe it once I realized what it was. Yet another first for me! Shortly later I eyed a Brown Thrasher on the ground that seemed to be pouncing on something and then jumping back and up into the air repeatedly. As I got in closer I could see that there was a tiny little Garter Snake on the ground who was holding it's ground tenaciously. The snake was all of about 6 inches long but held it's jaws open and would strike every time the Thrasher tried to pick it up. At such a small size, I figured the bird would eventually win out but the snake just kept fighting. I must have gotten too close and scared the Brown Thrasher off at which point the snake slithered quickly back into the weeds. I was kind of disappointed that I let myself interrupt this scene but I'm sure the snake was thankful. Later on the next wood chip trail I glanced down to notice a bright green Katydid on a large bleached-out leaf. My camera and zoom lens don't take great closeups so I tried quite a few angles and distances. When I got home I was happy to see a few came out and this one even had some good detail of the wings and eye. It's quite obvious that the Katydid is purposely resembling a green leaf to avoid being eaten. Finally, this last photo I took on the north side of the park near the thick bushes of Dogwood after the trail curves. This has always been an excellent place to watch for birds and attracts everything from Orioles to Warblers and Hummingbirds. Today it was a couple of female Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. I always love to see the males and if there's a female around the male is usually somewhere behind her. I watched and waited but never did see the male. This female however posed perfectly for me in a Buckthorn tree closer to the trail. Now if I could just get all birds to cooperate this well!

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