Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer Continues Past Labor Day

I had an additional day off of work this Tuesday but I didn't get to the park until about 4:30 in the afternoon. It is the day after Labor Day now and I'm surprised that our warm weather is still hanging on this late. There is a small little pond near the parking lot on the south side that I often spend a fair amount of time near as I see a lot of birds here. This evening I was fortunate to get close to this Green Heron and get two pics before he flew off. In the dimming light he appeared a beautiful blueish-purple color. I really like how this came out except for the branch in front of his head. Not too much further on the south side wood chip trails I noticed a smaller bird in some shrubs right over me. Hoping I might have a Warbler, I followed him back and forth until I could get some good shots. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was not a Warbler but a Red-eyed Vireo –and I was much closer than I'd ever been to one before. I could even see his red eyes through my viewfinder as I snapped a bunch of half-decent shots. This is probably my favorite one as it really shows off all of his colors. Previously I never thought of them as too colorful a bird but now I can see how much yellowish green color they have. And now that I think about it, this might be the first photo I've gotten of one at PLP! Finally near the end of my walk I spotted two young Bucks hop out of the thick woods onto the paved trail ahead of me. I've not seen a lot of Bucks this year. These two didn't seem to have any trace of velvet left anymore, and even more interesting was the one had a very awkward spike on one side not in proportion to the other. He will be easy to recognize I would think, if I see him again.

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