Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Winter Jog

I admit that the original reason I started coming to Palmer Lake Park in the first place was actually to get some exercise. I'm not big at all on jogging or running but I started jogging randomly one day at the park and finally worked up to making it all the way around. It's been much too long since I've jogged and today seemed like a good day to do so. I forget the temperature but it was somewhere near or above freezing and it was sunny. There is still about one inch of snow on the ground but the paved paths are mostly clear and dry. I found that I can actually run with my camera in my hand, stopping only periodically if I see a good photo opportunity. Yes, I probably miss out on some stuff but I've got all winter ahead of me to find it. I stopped for this Nuthatch as it was pretty close to the trail and I don't have a lot of photos of them. They're one of those birds that bounces around much too quickly and I usually lose patience with such a common bird.

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