Our rainy weather has been continuing but when I arrived at the park Wednesday evening it was only somewhat overcast. Stupidly I left my rain jacket in the truck, opting for only my hooded sweatshirt and baseball cap. On the first wood chip trail I noticed a small speckled egg that was more or less intact. After searching the closest pine tree for a bit I found a nest with another similar egg still in it.

Not sure if it would it make it or not but I added the egg back into the nest anyway. On the north side a bright orange bird caught my attention as it landed in a tall, thick tree. This was only the second time I've seen a Baltimore Oriole in the park and I waited around forever trying to get a picture. As it hopped around in the tree I noticed a second one but neither of them ever came out into plain view.

While I'd been standing there for a while I noticed the southern sky getting darker and darker. It had a definite look of rain and I realized at that point I was probably going to get wet later. I hurried along quickly and stopped only once when I noticed a couple of deer about twenty minutes later. I got one decent shot of this young buck before it disappeared into the cattails. And then came the rain.

Harder than I've ever seen at the park for sure and I was getting soaked fast. There was nowhere to go but in the woods. I found the most dense trees above that I could and stood there for a good 15 minutes while it just poured. When I moved just one foot to either the left or right I'd get even more wet so I just waited it out in the same place. By the time I got home I could have wrung out my sweatshirt like a sponge.
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