Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hot Hot Hot 4th of July

I had the day off of work this Wednesday for the 4th of July holiday. It was weird having one day off in the middle of the week but a good reason to visit the park. It was gonna be another hot day and in fact there has been much talk of it being the hottest 4th of July on record with temps nearing 100 degrees! To beat the heat I got to the park just before 7:30 in the morning. There's been Gray Catbirds everywhere in the park since late spring but I've not been able to catch any good photos of them yet this year. Here is my latest attempt. They can be one of the noisiest birds in the woods throughout the summer. On the north side in the glaring sun I watched a pair of male and female Baltimore Orioles in the shrubby trees where the Hummingbirds become prominent later on. The male stayed back further where I couldn't see him as well but the female got a bit closer. The females look so much duller orange -almost yellow- compared to the males but they are still fun to see. This area of the park is actually one of the better places to see birds and attracts everything from Goldfinches and Yellow Warblers to Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Hummingbirds. There have also been a LOT of Rabbits everywhere lately -especially a lot of little young ones. I think in the summer they come out of the woods more due to the mosquitoes. I sure know I would!

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