Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Good Walk After Work

I knew I wasn't going to get to the park this coming weekend as I had a trip coming up so I figured I would go Thursday after work. It was a beautiful and warm day with clear skies and a just a bit breezy. I was with a friend tonight and prepared not to shoot as many photos as when I'm with myself. By the end though I was surprised at how many pics I'd taken and at all the great birds we saw -many of which were pointed out by my eagle-eyed friend. The first was a male Common Yellowthroat at which we both peeked at through binoculars but did not manage to catch a good photo of. The next was a Rose-breasted Grosbeak that we watched and listened to for quite some time. He was on the north side perched way high up in tall Willow tree but we could really see his bright red patch in the evening sun. He was singing away loudly and this was the longest I've ever been able to listen one. At times it was so similar to a Robin and then other times not at all. Later on we ran into a pair of Blue Jays and since I'm still pining for a better Blue Jay photo, I just had to follow them from tree to tree. I ended up catching this one but unfortunately it shows only a dull and mostly grey bird, not the beautiful blue color that I normally think of. At least they are easy to identify by their louder-than-normal call and I should have more chances in the future. Coming back to the east side we got a chance to spot a brighter bird -a bright orange Baltimore Oriole. As I've seen them doing so often, this one was also high up in a tall Cottonwood tree, nearly hanging upside-down from the very ends of the branches. As with many Oriole sightings, the angle is that I'm underneath them looking up at their belly. To me it seems like this is the only way you'll see them in the Spring, but as the season progresses into Summer, you'll start to see them lower to the ground. I will see if this holds true this year as well.

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