Friday, May 25, 2012

Birds and Snakes and Butterfly's

My work let out early today to get a jump start on the long Memorial Day weekend so I enjoyed a nice long and leisurely walk around the park. From all the recent rain, the trail is flooded in a few different areas so slight detours were necessary. On the wood chip trail on the south side I spotted this Question Mark Butterfly and despite having only my zoom lens on my camera, I was still able to capture a good pic. It's colors really stood out against the faded wood chips. Along the bottom edges of it's wings you can see just a hint of iridescent periwinkle blue coloring. As I was coming up to the baseball fields on the west side I saw a bird fly past that didn't look so familiar. I followed it to where it landed in one of the large (planted) trees surrounding the ball fields and was surprised to see that it was a Bluebird. I've not seen one for quite a while now but I'm glad to know they are still around the park. I'm still hopeful that one finds my newly installed Bluebird Box on the northwest corner. I couldn't tell if this one was a male or female but it's coloring did seem a little on the dull side so I'm guessing a female. After detouring around some more flooded trail, I made my way across the north side where I spotted this Garter Snake just off the trail. As I got closer for a photo I figured he would dart away but instead he held his ground and turned his head directly toward me. After I got closer still he began flicking his tongue out. I wanted to get a photo of that but every time I pressed the shutter his tongue disappeared in an instant. He never did move on and when I walked away he was still in the same spot. Somewhere later I was able to catch a good view of a nice Baltimore Oriole as he hopped around in a tree -somewhat lower to the ground than usual. He was stretching his neck and turning his head every which way so I assume he was looking for caterpillars to eat. Though I've seen many Orioles already this year, I still have a tough time getting a great photo of one. They are always just too high above for a good angle and they also don't like to sit very still. I sure don't get tired of seeing -and hearing- them however!

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