Sunday, February 19, 2012

Great Backyard Bird Count Day 2

Again I have very few actual bird pictures for this post though I spent the day counting them. I guess I was more focused on writing them down than trying to get photos. If you never participated before in the Great Backyard Bird Count, I highly recommend checking it out. You don't need to be an expert birder, or tag along with experts -although that always helps, and you can do it in your own backyard or local park or wherever! The first thing of interest I spotted today at the park weren't birds but a large group of Deer walking out on the ice near the northern side of the lake. After a bit, they filed one-by-one into a seemingly invisible path through the cattails and disappeared. On the north end of the park I ran into yet another birding enthusiast friend of mine who had set up a scope on his homemade "eggshell bird feeders." We watched the Chickadees land repeatedly and eagerly pull out a seed. It was a bit of a trick, but I was able to catch this photo with my normal camera held up the lens of the scope. As we stood there enjoying the show and the sunny weather, a surprising amount of other birds showed up above including a Cooper's Hawk and 3 Red-tailed. The 3 Red-tails were all visible at the same time which would make for the most interesting sighting of the day. At the end of today, I had only 11 species compared to yesterday's 14, but the number of individuals was generally larger than yesterday.

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