Thursday, December 23, 2010

Typical Overcast Day in December

This Thursday I visited the park in the afternoon. It was overcast and quiet and I barely found a reason to pull my camera out of it's case. I took only eight pictures total the whole way and even those opportunities weren't too exciting. The first was a Robin -a bird I rarely shoot unless they're doing something interesting or are very close. It was the latter in this case. With as many Robins as I see at the park in I'm really beginning to wonder if the percentage that stay through the winter is on the rise. We've really got a LOT of snow on the ground now and it is putting a damper on my walks lately. I've been avoiding the un-plowed wood chip trails which is usually where I see the most wildlife. One of the most interesting aspects of this winter is how few Cattails are standing after all of the heavy snowfalls. Normally this view of the lake is blocked by tall Cattails and you would have to beat them down just to get to the edge. This year I'd guess that less than 5% of the season's Cattails are still standing, creating wide open views I've never seen before.

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