Saturday, October 23, 2010

Busy Birds

Though the overnights so far have been just warm enough to avoid hard frost, it is definitely feeling cooler out lately. Today there was just a hint of drizzle in the air, making it feel even colder than it actually was. On the east side I came across a familiar sound that I'd not heard in quite some time and thought it pretty strange. Above a little swamp were a small group of male Red-Winged Blackbirds squawking loudly. I haven't seen any of these birds for at least a month and I surely figured they'd migrated south already. I wonder if this small group either stuck around longer or even came back north due to the very warm October we've had. In the same swamp there was this Robin taking a bath in the shallow water and I was lucky enough to catch a picture of him in the act. Robins have been catching my eye lately as their bright orange breast now really stands out with fewer leaves on the trees. Lastly near the water overlook on the south side, I watched this Chickadee gather clumps of Cattail seeds -presumably for a nest. I'm confused by the Cattails this year as they all seem to have seeded out already. I swear that last year it took a full 2 year cycle for them to seed-out.

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