In the previous few years these are days that I would not have been to the park. Instead I would have been out Deer hunting. Like many Minnesotan's I'd grown up in a family where Deer hunting was a family tradition. I enjoyed some memorable times outdoors with my Dad, hunting in various places across the state. When my dad tired of the activity, I took it up again with some friends. Long story short, I too tired of it –but much earlier in life than my father had. I believe this is the 2nd year now that I've not gone and I really don't miss it at all. Since taking up nature photography, I get the "thrill of the hunt" every time I embark on a nature hike. And through my photos, I get to take and keep the things that I see. The first thing of note that I saw today was a White-breasted Nuthatch who shuffled around a tree just above me.

This is one of those under-appreciated common birds that become even more common this time of year. It's "yank yank" call together with Chickadees and Blue Jays are the three birds that remind me most of Deer hunting. I decided to check out the "duck pond" on the southwest corner and was surprised to still see a couple of Northern Shovelers here! I was excited to find this species at the park at all this fall, but to have them still hanging around near mid November is even better.

I saw what looked to be 2 females but no sign of a male. Shovelers are one of the first springtime Ducks I see each year at the park. Other than a Woodpecker and a Red-tailed Hawk I wasn't really seeing much else on this quiet day. I decided to hike through the woods to see what else I might find. To my surprise, I came across a shed antler deep in the woods on the north side. This is only my second shed find ever, but it was in such rough shape that I let it go. Covered in green mold and the tines chewed in half, I would think this shed must have fallen sometime this early spring. It was still neat to find and at least I have a photo to show it.

I found it very fitting that I found this on opening day of Deer hunting, took a photo and then left it. I recently saw a quote somewhere that read "take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints." I really like that phrase and it fits well with my new attitude towards nature.
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