Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Stress-Reliever

It's been easy to forget that our summer weather isn't going to last forever and I've been slacking on visiting the park during the week. Tonight was an exception as I really needed to de-charge from a stressful work week. There were relatively few birds about until I was walking up the west side and noticed this Mourning Dove sitting very still in the evening sun. They're not the most interesting of birds but since it was so close I figured I'd snap a photo. Shortly afterward I saw yet another Cedar Waxwing as well as a single Doe in the woods. On the north side I spotted a large bird way off in the distance perched in the tall dead tree often favored by Raptors. I could barely make out from this distance that it was an Osprey and he was surrounded by 6 or 7 Crows perched near him. He looked obviously perturbed and I'm sure the crows were hassling him just like they do other large birds of prey like Eagles, Hawks and Owls. A while later I came upon the granite bench on the southeast side and noticed a little yellow bird hoping about in the cattails. Since there was a bench right there I decided to sit and watch for a bit and hopefully catch a picture. After a bit, it came out rather close to me, enough to identify it as a male Common Yellowthroat -evident by the black and white mask across it's face. I found that kind of surprising, having seen only female Yellowthroats deep in the cattails before. Since I've not seen any Yellow Warblers for a while, I believe the Yellowthroats must be the last Warbler species to still be hanging around.

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