Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Sunday in December and Nothing to See

I arrived at the park this Sunday; the first one in December, just before 10am. It was kind of a humid day and everything was wet, though there's currently NO trace of snow on the ground. Today was one of those completely uneventful walks with just nothing of interest to see. I found myself taking photos of wet Oak leaves and other scenery just because there was nothing else. Finally I did spot a few birds -common ones such as Nuthatches and this Tree Sparrow. Later as I was coming back to my vehicle on the east side I was noticing how badly the Deer have scraped up this newly planted tree along the boulevard. I think this was put in last year after the new curbing was installed along Penn Avenue. You can see the tree behind it had some rabbit wire wrapped around for protection but I'm not sure if this one ever got that, or if maybe the Deer just ripped it right off. Even the one with the wire has some damage to it from Bucks scraping their antlers, but this one is scraped all the way around! As I was looking at it, two women walked up and asked if it was from Deer to which I replied "yes" but that it looks as though a person had also grabbed a piece of loose bark and yanked it upwards as far as it would go before breaking off. Sadly I don't think this tree will make it when spring time comes around next year.

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