Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Looking for the Other Half

I forgot to mention in my previous post that I did spend a while searching for the other half of the antler shed that I found on Sunday morning. With the ground being wet and wearing only my worn out tennis shoes, I gave up fairly easily after getting wet feet. This Wednesday evening though was nice out so I decided to go back to the same area -with hiking boots- and do some more thorough searching. I covered quite a lot of ground but didn't find the other half. I did however manage my first Bluebird photo of the year -though not a great one. He was perched on another of those dead trees and possibly also looking for a good place to nest. It was starting to get a bit dark and for the first time I chose to head back the way I came instead of going all the way around. On my way back I saw a group of 5 or 6 Deer and decided to futz around with the settings on my new camera for a better shot. It seemed to work and I was getting halfway decent images. In this light my old camera would have not picked up anything! I watched the group for a while which had at least one young one with them. Later I saw 2 or 3 more cross the trail in front of me. One stopped in it's tracks right on the trail to eye-up another park goer. When I was about back to my vehicle I could see a few more in a clearing just behind some trees. I thought maybe the light might be better here so I sneaked through the trees quietly. There with a Doe was a nice Buck with a full set of antlers. I thought March 28th would officially be the latest I've seen a Buck, but now I have a new record for the park on April 4th! It looks like there will still be more antler sheds for someone to find yet this year.

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