Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Good Day to Be a Duck

It just figures that it's been nice out for most of the work week but then come the weekend our weather turns sour. Rain and colder temps had been predicted for this Saturday so at least I was somewhat prepared. I've never minded going 'round the park in the rain as long as I'm dressed for it but now it's nearly impossible to bring my new camera with. It's just too large and bulky to keep from getting wet. So I had to really rough it today with my old point-n-shoot camera. On the south side I spotted male and female Blue-winged Teals in the tiny pond off the parking lot. I was able to get just a couple shots before remembering how easily these Ducks get spooked. They're nothing like a Mallard that you can walk right up to sometimes. Using my old camera again really made me appreciate my new one that much more. Later however when I spotted a patch of Marsh Marigolds, my old camera redeemed itself with it's ability to take macro photos -something I've not quite figured out yet with the new one. I don't know much about these flowers, only that they seem to thrive in fairly wet, swampy areas and I'm noticing them this year after a friend had pointed them out to me last year. Another plant with the very same background for me is the Jack-in-the-Pulpit and I spotted this one on my own today. It was in the same spot where it was also pointed out to me last year and I wonder if it could be the very same plant. Other than their uniquely vertical shape, the dead giveaway would be burgundy striped underside of the top leaf and this one happens to face directly away from the trail. Hopefully it doesn't get stepped on. Someone also recently told me that in the summer or fall they will get red berries that can be used to seed new plants so I'll have to keep watching for them.

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