Sunday, March 25, 2012

Busy Birds

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm gonna start by saying yet again what a nice, warm day it was this Sunday morning. In fact, breaking records describes this month quite well. Its been all over the local news that we've hit 70 degrees or higher a total of 8 days now this month -which shattered the old record of just 5 days back in 1910! On the east side there is a small pond surrounded by cattails and this Chickadee was busy hopping from one to the next and tearing into them. I suspect they are after the seeds on the inside which I don't think are very large. The process creates quite a mess of "fuzz" from the cattails and its hard to believe they don't choke on it all. I'm starting to see a few female Red-winged Blackbirds now but their numbers pale in comparison yet to the males. The females can actually be quite colorful and this one showed a lot of rust color in her wings. Song Sparrows have been around the park and very vocal for at least a couple of weeks already. They don't look like much but they sure make some nice and loud songs. This particular one was so occupied with singing that it let me get fairly close. They are typically not this fat looking. Every few seconds or so it would puff-out as it belted out it's loud song. It looked as though it took every ounce of energy yet it was repeated over and over and over.

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