Sunday, November 27, 2011

Turkey Surprise

Today on the north side of the park before the bridge over the creek, I noticed a Deer or two not too far off the trail inside the loop. Since I'd not gotten too many good Deer photos lately I decided to walk in slowly towards them. Besides it was another nice day and I figured I could be quiet enough with no crunchy snow beneath my feet. I couldn't tell how many there were but only one was curious enough to stay put and check me out. He looked to be a younger one with that "stubbier" sort of face. As I stood there watching him, I realized there was something else right in my view just a few feet behind the Deer. It was a Wild Turkey, so well camouflaged against the fallen tree bark and brush that I didn't see him until he moved. This was of much more interest to me as I don't see Turkeys at the park that often. To my surprise there were more Turkeys -and they were only just feet away from the Deer. It was like they were all hanging out together. This first shot was not the best but was the only one that showed a Deer and Turkey in the same picture. The Deer quickly moved out further into the middle but the Turkeys stayed put for a bit longer and enough for a couple more photos. I wasn't quite close enough but as the Turkeys finally spooked and moved, the group was much bigger than I'd thought. I'm guessing there were about 6 to 7 of them all together! A very good Turkey sighting -and just two days after Thanksgiving.

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