Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fresh Snow for Thanksgiving

My work was scheduled to close early today for Thanksgiving weekend so I was looking forward to a mid-week instead of my normal weekend only treks. There was also a winter weather advisory for the afternoon that local meteorologist have been hyping up for days now. It was pretty much in full swing by the time I arrived at the park with more sticky snow clinging to everything. In spots it made the woods look more dense and vast than it really is. There were plenty of deer moving around and I spotted another nine or ten today. I noticed this group walking single file just past the baseball fields on the west side. They were was only one opening in the woods where I could get a photo so I focused on that and waited for each one to come though one by one. To my surprise the second or third was a Buck with a small six point rack. Upon seeing me he sped up ahead to the front of the group and I lost him. The snow was really coming down by now making photographs quite challenging. Of course wouldn't you know that I'd see a bunch more deer in close range. I had about 30 more good photo opportunities and they all came out bad with my lens getting wet and my camera trying to focus on the snowflakes in the air. I guess time got away from me with all of the deer watching I was doing and found it getting dark in a hurry. On the south side I stopped briefly for a pic of the creek with three distinct layers of snow, ice and water.

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