Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Growing fast

Cool and slightly humid tonight. Upon entering the first wood chip trail I noticed a little black bug jumping here and there. I thought it seemed weird and when I looked closer I realized it was a tiny toad about the size of my thumbnail. He held still just long enough for this closeup. Lots of other good stuff tonight including some pretty cool thunder clouds and every sort of bird. While stopping to watch a Green Heron fishing in a slough on the East side, I heard a loud rustle in the cattails behind me. When I turned around, I couldn't believe what I saw. There was the doe with her 2 fawns again RIGHT in front of me! I stared snapping pics as quickly as possible and my first photo caught just the one fawn by itself. I decided to post it because it shows just how long their legs are. Surprisingly all three came out and just kinda stood there and let me take photos. I could tell they were trying to figure out where to go next as they actually walked even closer to me. It was fascinating to watch the group as the fawns were clearly paying close attention to mom and would not even move without her moving first. Definitely one of the neatest thing I've ever seen on my walks at Palmer Lake!

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